Manoe Productions is an organization that specializes in video productions. The organization was founded by three young entrepreneurs who capture and visualize moments in a distinctive way. Filming on location is therefore done in a very professional manner with Manoe Productions thinking along with the clients.
- Webdesign
- Development
- Branding
- Marketing
Digital Design
For the design of the website we focused on the great work Manoe Productions delivered in the past years. The portfolio section features all videos from Youtube. Furthermore we wanted to display the website with beautiful visuals, without risking bad User Interface and User Experience.
The most important feature of the website was the portfolio. All videos from Youtube were imported in the portfolio. It opens the videos directly from Youtube. This is for the Youtube views, but also for the bandwidth and optimising pagespeed.
Marketing | Photography
The website of Manoe Productions has been developed on the basis of the market in which they operate. Manoe Productions is known for its creativity in the making of videos. In addition, from the marketing point of view, we also looked at what the website serves for Manoe Productions and it is developed on that basis. The work of Manoe Productions is one of the most important aspects on to the website. From here one can open contact for a no-obligation appointment that will lead to conversion.